Personal Details
This must be your legal first name as it appears on your birth certificate
This must be your legal middle name as it appears on your birth certificate
This must be your legal surname as it appears on your birth certificate
You must be over 14 and under 19 on application
Your contact details
Please enter your postcode or partial address below:
Parent/Carer & Emergency Contacts
Please provide details of at least one parent/carer who would be your emergency contact and a 2nd emergency contact (who should also be a parent / carer where appropriate).
The first contact will automatically be updated about your progress, attendance, and will be invited to parent evenings
Parent / Carer and Emergency Contact 1
We need your expected or achieved qualifications to make sure you are applying for the right course. Please include information on all qualifications studied i.e. GCSE, BTEC diplomas, A-levels, NVQs. If you haven’t yet taken your exams, please provide your predicted grades.
Entering Maths & English Qualifications is mandatory
Ensure you have given us your grades for GCSE English Language, English Literature and Maths if you have achieved these qualifications. You should also provide the grade for your GCSE English Language, Speaking and Listening if known.
Date Awarded - Don't worry if you don't know the exact Date Awarded - please use 1st July of the year that it was in.
If you have no qualifications, then please press ‘No prior qualifications’. Use ‘Add row’ to save and add multiple qualifications.
To remove items, please press ‘No prior qualifications’ then press ‘Add Qualifications’
In the subject box - please include the type of Qualification (GCSE, A-Level etc.) and the Awarding body (EDEXCEL, OCR etc.)
Support and Help with Learning
Click Yes if you have / are any of the below:
- Have a physical health need,
- Have a disability,
- Have a mental health need,
- Have a medical condition,
- Have an individual learning need,
- Have special exam arrangements,
- Are a care leaver or young carer
- Previously received Free School Meals ?
If you have any medical conditions please list them below :
Please give brief additional details (we will contact you about this)
Did you receive Exam Access Arrangements at school (We will contact your school to ask for any relevant details to be sent through)
Do you have an educational health care plan?
Do you have a statement of special educational needs?
Are you a registered Young Carer?
You're a young carer if you help to look after a relative with a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem
Are you in Care?
Were you previously entitled to free school meals?
Would you like the College to contact you to discuss any action they can take to help you with your learning?
Privacy statement
The information gathered through this process is used to progress your application to attend St Brendan’s Sixth Form college and to ease transition. This may involve passing data to other systems used to support this process and liaising with your current school. Full details of our privacy statement can be found here https://www.stbrn.ac.uk/upload/DataProtectionPolicy6.pdf
We will share your records with the Learning Records Service for the purpose of obtaining a Unique Learner Number. Their privacy statement can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/lrs-privacy-notices/lrs-privacy-notice
By submitting your application - you are agreeing to your data being processed for these reasons.
Review and Submit