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Fee Remission Form

Fee Remission Form

Student Reference Number (found in your email)
First Name
Email (enter again)

Date of Birth


National Insurance No.

Note: If you are 19+ or enrolling on an apprenticeship providing a national insurance number is mandatory

Employment Status
Are you self Employed?

How many hours per week? (If employed)
For how long have you been employed? (If employed)

Employer Details

Please enter the name of your current employer

Employer Name

Employer Address

Address Line 1 (Number and Street/Road)
Address Line 2 (Area)
Address Line 3 (Town/City)
Address Line 4 (County/District)
Employer Email
Employer Contact Number
Length of Unemployment (If Unemployed)

Choose your type of benefits, if none apply please leave blank

Benefit Status


You may upload 1 form of Identification

You may also upload your proof of Qualifications (Results slip / certificates)

Accepted forms of Identification:

  1. Current signed passport
  2. Original birth certificate (UK birth certificate issued within 12 months of the date of birth in full form including those issued by UK authorities overseas such as Embassies High Commissions and HM Forces)
  3. Current UK photocard driving licence
  4. Full old-style driving licence
  5. Residence permit issued by the Home Office to EEA nationals on sight of own country passport
  6. National identity card bearing a photograph of the applicant

You may also upload specific evidence for your Funding Declaration / Course Requirements - please see the table below for what you should upload:

To evidence your eligibility:
Option Evidence to Upload
My Employer is Paying my Fees Please provide a Purchase Order, or letter of Confirmation from the Employer
I am on Benefits Please provide a Universal Credit Statement, screenshot or proof of benefits
I am using an Student Loan to fund this course Please provide evidence of your loan confirmation letter
Type of Evidence
Upload File

Type of Evidence Notes Attachment Remove
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